Web 2.0 Wednesday Glittery Tool Highlight
Anyone else wake up and feel the Wednesday blues?
I know I did!
With Summer C classes at Florida State University beginning on Monday plus project managing a huge group project due for my Summer A class I am really looking forward to Friday!
Let's push through that together and divert our focus onto other more important things such as...
Web 2.0 Wednesday!
What is Web 2.0?
Great question! I define Web 2.0 as the philosophy of everyday users producing content, sharing content, and interacting with content using Internet-based communication tools to crowd source areas of expertise and interests.
Basically, Web 2.0 is "the read write web", as Professor Vanessa Dennen at Florida State University shares in her VoiceThread presentation diving into the world of Web 2.0.
Web 2.0 means individuals are active participants in online communities and create content to share with others. If you're curious about diving deeper into the Web 2.0 world I recommend reading Riding the Waves of “Web 2.0” and the Web 2.0 Wikipedia page (Wikipedia is actually a Web 2.0 tool!)
What are other Web 2.0 Tools?
You have probably used numerous Web 2.0 tools without even realizing it!
Do you have a Twitter account? That's a Web 2.0 tool.
What about your own blog? Boom. Another Web 2.0 tool!
The Web 2.0 tool I want to highlight today is Pinterest.
Pinterest rocks!
It's one of my favorite Web 2.0 tools because it is so dynamic, integrates into your web browser seamlessly, and can be accessed via tablet, smartphone, and computer.
Pinterest allows users to create Boards and save content from the web in an organized fashion.
I use Pinterest for work wardrobe inspiration, to research life hacks, and so much more!
You can also follow boards to see more pins related to those interest areas. Following boards you like is a great way to always add glitter to your research, as you know those boards will be constantly updated with new information on topics you enjoy researching!
Some boards I am loving right now are Productivity and Career Advice! (I just started a new job so I've been reading all the success tips I can get my hands on)
Want to explore Pinterest?
Start exploring the wonderful resources this Web 2.0 tool provides then share your thoughts in the comments below!